Thursday, January 12, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

Since Mark had work off and Kimball was still out of school the first week of January, we decided to head down to Charlotte to visit our friends the Burgons and then spend a couple of days at the Great Wolf Lodge. We'd heard about the awesome indoor waterpark at the Lodge, and it turned out to be the perfect little family vacation spot. Our kids never got tired of the slides and the water toys and the wave pool--especially Kimball who's already begging to go back. 
We stayed in one of the Kids Camp rooms, so our kiddos had bunk beds with all sorts of fun critters painted on the walls.
We made it down to the lobby just in time for pajama story time.
The kids loved all the animals and cabin decorations everywhere.
Don't get wet in there!

Here are a couple of videos from the Lottsa Water Dump Zone...

We're all still singing the little jingle from the Great Wolf Lodge website: "Take me to the Lodge--Great Wolf Lodge. Owwwooooo!" Very fun family trip.


  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Wish we could have been there with you!

  2. Aimee--Oh my goodness! I loved catching up on your family! I have been completely absent from blogging for a few months-sorry! I didn't know about your miscarriage. I am so sorry that happened! I am so glad you had help and that you sound happy and healthy again. You are a strong woman! And what a fun Christmas time. Every time I hear about Kimball I just WISH he and Tyler could live closer to each other. Tyler just LOVES NBA Jam, too, and everything basketball. Those pictures were all so great--what a great looking family. You have such adorable kids. And what you wrote about Kimball acting out was comforting to me that even Kimball Hansen has bad moments! :) Maybe my kids are normal then! :) I am so glad you have a blog, so I can keep in touch! I just know 2012 will be a great year for you guys! Oh, and thanks for your comment on Facebook!
